Discover Your New Tradition.

Company Name: Kurashu K.K.
Phone: (045) 532 9031
Founded: 03/2020
Representative Director: Benjamin Knopp

Japanese Alcohol Retail Licenses:

  • Export

  • Import wholesale and retail

  • Online retail

Main Business:

  • Export of Japanese sake and liquor

  • Online distribution of Japanese sake and liquor

  • Promotion, marketing, translation services


Kurashu is based on two ideas we find that the sake industry desperately needs. First, a better way to find and select sake that people will love. Second, a deeper connection to, and support of, the myriad of small breweries around Japan.

Sake is a complex world and is difficult to navigate. The way taste is currently described doesn’t really help much in selecting sake and the industry knows it. We’re here to change that! Our webshop is designed to make sure to recommend our customers only sake that they will love.

Sake is also a product that has a long history and deep connections to the people involved in making sake. It is the skills of the kurabito (brewery workers) and the decisions made during the brewing process that largely determine the taste, rather than the ingredients used to make sake (in stark contrast to wine). And it is more than just a beverage; sake stands for the traditions and artisanal skills of Japan and an ancient heritage.

Because the industry is changing and some breweries are adapting better than others, we have made it our goal to support all those breweries that are great at making sake but that may need some help in selling to a new type of consumer. At the same time we want to connect our customers with these breweries in order to deliver an authentic, interesting, and of course delicious, sake experience.

If you’re looking for authentic, artisanal sake from across Japan then please get in touch.


Our Drivers.


Connect 繋がり

To connect sake brewers & consumers and help both parties make better, more informed decisions.


Authentic 真正性

To curate fresh and hidden sake with understandable and relevant information.

Craftmanship 匠

To support the local craftsmen making sake with long history and tradition.


Demystify 神秘を解く

To offer a smart and accessible way to select sake that customers will love.

A world where consumers are not intimidated by sake. Where they have the ability to make informed decisions easily and never have to drink a bottle they don’t like.

Let’s Work Together